Gastrointestinal complaints are among the most common in health care.

There is a relationship between unfriendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and a multitude of health issues in the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract house 100 trillion cells, more then all the stars in the sky! A major part of you immune and nervous system resides in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if there is an […]

Adrenal Function Testing

Many people stumble out of bed in the morning and begin running all day with kids, work, sports practices, dinner, errands and housework. Constantly burning the candle at both ends leaves you exhausted. Weekends used to be a time to relax and unwind, but many people now find the weekends to be equally as busy. […]

Unexplained Chronic Illness and Fatigue?

Consider chronic Lyme disease and other coinfections. Dr. Jeffrey J. Hunt utilizes specialty Lyme disease diagnostic testing and comprehensive treatment. Treatment may include addressing sleep disorders, digestion, diet and nutrition, allergies, other infections, hormonal and neurotransmitter disorders, exercise and detoxification.

Magnesium Absorption

Dr. Hunt has developed his own calcium magnesium combination.  This is an important balance between calcium and magnesium, preventing the negative side effects of too much calcium and poor magnesium absorption. Magnesium is useful for a multitude of health concerns, namely muscle cramping fatigue insomnia osteoporosis anxiety depression high blood pressure fibromyalgia Not all types […]