Gluten Hypersensitivity

Reality or Fad Gluten is a protein found in cereal grains. Wheat has a high concentration of gluten, which allows for the elastic nature of the dough. If you have a hypersensitivity to wheat gluten/gliadin, you should also avoid rye, spelt, and kamut, as the proteins in these grains look similar to wheat gluten in […]

Urine Thyroid Testing

Thyroid hormones help regulate heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and weight. Stand tests may underestimate the incidence of thyroid disease. A 24-hour urine collection can be used to help determine if symptoms are thyroid related. Symptoms related to lack of thyroid hormone are depression, fatigue, cold body temperature, arthritis, and muscle cramps, headaches, weight […]


Triggers of Migraines High levels of the female hormone estrogen—which occurs especially during puberty, before, during, and after a woman’s period, after childbirth, at the beginning of menopause, or when taking birth control pills (which contain estrogen) Too much stimulation of your senses, such as flashing lights or strong smells Stress Too little sleep Changes […]

Lyme Disease is on the rise!

Do you have a health disorder that has not been diagnosed because all the testing to rule out the disease comes back normal? Usually there are a great many differing diagnoses from a lot of physicians. Symptoms of Lyme disease can often be mistaken for a variety of other diseases, as it can negatively impact […]

Seasonal Allergies

A New Alternative to Allergy Treatment: Sublingual Immunotherapy After diagnosis of inhalant allergies via a scratch or blood test we offer sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).  SLIT treats the cause of allergy by giving small doses of the allergen to the patient.  SLIT is given as drops under the tongue.  Research shows that when an allergen is […]