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Tag: Heart Palpitations

Heart Health and Related Health Conditions

Heart Health and Related Health Conditions


Benefits of Chelation

  • Helps to prevent Arteriosclerosis (Hardening of the arteries)
  • Helps to rejuvenate your cardiovascular system
  • Helps to improve conduction in all degrees of AV heart block
  • Helps to abolish extra heart beats, skipped beats and rapid heart beats
  • Helps as a pre-operative preparation
  • Helps remove lead and heavy metals from the system
  • Reduces toxic lead and metal deposits and abnormal calcium deposits
  • Reduces blood pressure and blood cholesterol
  • Improves circulation
  • Improves vision and hearing
  • Improves liver function
  • Improves skin texture and tone
  • Helps prevent abnormal cross linking of molecules that age tissue
  • Helps to relieve symptoms of senility by increasing circulation to the brain
  • Helps to relieve hypoglycemia, phlebitis and scleroderma
  • Dissolves fats in plaque lined arteries
  • Helps make blood slippery and prevents abnormal blood clotting
  • Helps increase tissue oxygenation

The Ultimate Question is: Can It Help You?

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Digital Pulse Wave Analyzer (DPA)

Cardiovascular Disease is the Number One Killer of Men and Women in North America

Do you have a friend or a loved one who has died because of cardiovascular disease?  In office testing such as the digital pulse wave analyzer (DPA) is a tool which helps patients at Hunt Naturopathic Clinic to reduce cardiovascular disease through early detection and prevention. 

The DPA measures a pulse wave form is produced by the beating of the heart displayed on a monitor. As the patient rests comfortably, an arterial pulse sensor is placed on the finger.

The digital pulse analyzer DPA measures the elasticity of small and large arteries and provides information of arterial aging. The data captured by the DPA during a test is analyzed and reported in just minutes to provide a clear, concise evaluation tool for health care professionals The DPA is an assessment to monitor effectiveness of treatment options, lifestyle management and a reduction of cardiovascular risk factors.

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Lyme Disease is on the rise!

Lyme Disease is on the rise!

Do you have a health disorder that has not been diagnosed because all the testing to rule out the disease comes back normal? Usually there are a great many differing diagnoses from a lot of physicians. Symptoms of Lyme disease can often be mistaken for a variety of other diseases, as it can negatively impact multiple aspects of health.

The first symptoms may include “bull’s eye” rash, flu-like symptoms – fever, nausea, muscle aches, headaches, joint stiffness, and/or light sensitivity. The later symptoms can be quite severe leading to paralysis, muscle stiffness and pain, heart palpitations and blockage, inflammation of the heart, chronic fatigue syndrome, balance problems, bi-polar like symptoms, memory loss, loss of sexual desire, extreme fatigue. Click here to read more from the Canlyme website

Lyme disease is an inflammatory infection that spreads to humans though tick bites. The ticks can resemble a freckle and are therefore hard to see. As time passes both the treatment and diagnosis become difficult. Please see complete this questionnaire if you suspect that you have Lyme Disease. Click here

At Hunt Naturopathic Clinic Inc., we make is our mission to offer the best testing for tick borne disease that is comprehensive and accurate. (info on testing). With the proper diagnosis you can receive the correct treatments to restore your health and get back to enjoying your life.

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