Heart Health and Related Health Conditions

Benefits of Chelation Helps to prevent Arteriosclerosis (Hardening of the arteries) Helps to rejuvenate your cardiovascular system Helps to improve conduction in all degrees of AV heart block Helps to abolish extra heart beats, skipped beats and rapid heart beats Helps as a pre-operative preparation Helps remove lead and heavy metals from the system Reduces […]

Individualized Exercise Program

As with diet, exercise must be individualized for each patient. There is no drug or therapy that comes close to improving a person’s health than exercise. The systems that are affected positively by exercise are blood pressure, blood flow, cardiac output, dissolved oxygen in the blood, energy output, blood glucose/diabetes, metabolic rate, muscle health, obesity, […]

High Blood Pressure

Each heart beat pushes blood through your arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to your body. Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in your arteries. Without blood pressure, blood wouldn’t flow through your blood vessels and you’d die. But blood pressure that’s too high stresses your heart and […]

Magnesium Absorption

Dr. Hunt has developed his own calcium magnesium combination.  This is an important balance between calcium and magnesium, preventing the negative side effects of too much calcium and poor magnesium absorption. Magnesium is useful for a multitude of health concerns, namely muscle cramping fatigue insomnia osteoporosis anxiety depression high blood pressure fibromyalgia Not all types […]

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supports Heart, Pain, and Autoimmune Inflammation

Omega-3 fish oil treats the following: High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Chronic Pain Arthritis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Eczema At Hunt Naturopathic Clinic we provide the care associated with the treatment of the above conditions which includes correct diagnostic assessment and treatment. Heart Health Studies have shown that a diet supplemented with omega-3 fish oil helps […]