Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) refers to the therapeutic use of hormones that are identical in every way to the hormones produced naturally in the body. Diagnostic testing may include salivary and or blood tests. The results may reveal hormone imbalances that are then addressed with the use of BHRT. Bioidentical hormones are derived from plant […]

Salivary testing

Salivary testing is crucial for determining the most effective hormone balancing treatment program. Salivary testing is advantageous over other testing mediums because it allows you to assess your bioavailable hormone levels – what is actually available for use by the body. Because of the complexity of changes to the endocrine system during menopause, hormone testing […]


Menopausal Conditions Vaginal Dryness with Menopause The cause of hot flashes may be elusive, but vaginal dryness is a direct consequence of decreased estrogen. When estrogen levels drop, it takes a few years for the effects to be noticed, but eventually the reduction in estrogen leads to dryness and thinning of the cells in the vagina […]