Omega-3 fish oil treats the following:

At Hunt Naturopathic Clinic we provide the care associated with the treatment of the above conditions which includes correct diagnostic assessment and treatment.

Heart Health
Studies have shown that a diet supplemented with omega-3 fish oil helps lower high blood pressure. In addition, omega-3 has been shown to reduce triglyceride levels by a net of about 50% compared with placebo [1]. And furthermore, patients who combined omega-3 fish oil with cholesterol lowering medication reported a net 23% decrease in their triglyceride levels [2].

Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can severely limit your mobility and lifestyle. Omega-3 fish oil has been shown to alleviate problems such as nonspecific neck and back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, pain associated with dysmenorrhea (painful periods), ankylosing spondylitis, and more [3].

Currently, Health Canada recommendations state that fish oil supplements reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis in adults when combined with traditional therapies [4]. Studies also suggest that supplementing with omega-3 for over 3 months can result in a notable reduction in the amount of arthritis medication that patients required [5].

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Patients who suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s have taken part in trials using fish oil as part of their treatment. Results from these trails show not only a benefit from supplementation [6], but also that omega-3 may reduce steroid doses needed during treatment [7].

Supplementing with omega-3 fish oil has the potential to result in improvements in the clinical features of eczema, such as scaling and itching [8]. Studies also confirm that taking fish oil during pregnancy may reduce the risk of the child developing eczema during their first year of life [9]

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