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Tag: Allergies

Inhalant Allergies and Oral Desensitization

Inhalant Allergies and Oral Desensitization

An allergic response occurs when some people are exposed to environmental triggers such as ragweed, grass, and tree, pollen, animal fur and dander, dust mites or mold. The allergic response is due to a part of the immune system over-reacting to the above compounds.

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is an alternative method to treat inhalant allergies without injections.

First the doctor will perform an allergy test to confirm the patient’s allergies. This test is done either using a scratch test, which is done in house, or via a blood test, which is tested at a lab.

Sublingual immunotherapy treats the cause of the allergy by giving small doses of the allergen to the patient. SLIT is given as drops under the tongue.

Research shows that when an allergen is presented in this way, the immune system learns to tolerate the allergy. SLIT is proven, with over 60 clinical trial which shows its effectiveness. It is endorsed by the World Health Organization, the World Allergy Association, and the Cochrane Collaboration. SLIT is effective, safe, and well tolerated

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Food Allergy Testing

The E-95 Basic Food Panel tests for 94 of the most commonly eaten foods, plus a Candida Screen. MVL pioneered and uses the well-validated ELISA method to measure combined IgG4 and IgE antibodies for food sensitivity testing. This test provides a comprehensive report and are reported low, moderate, and high.

Sometimes it is not food sensitivities but it’s the infection, Candida. Candida is normally found in very small amounts in the human intestinal tract; small amounts do not cause problems in a healthy person. Too much Candida can result in symptoms very similar to those caused by food allergies. Moderate or High on the Candida screen means that your body has produced high numbers of antibodies to Candida at some time and should be treated to maintain optimal gut health.

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Unexplained Chronic Illness and Fatigue?

Consider chronic Lyme disease and other coinfections.
Dr. Jeffrey J. Hunt utilizes specialty Lyme disease diagnostic testing and comprehensive treatment.
Treatment may include addressing sleep disorders, digestion, diet and nutrition, allergies, other infections, hormonal and neurotransmitter disorders, exercise and detoxification.
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Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

A New Alternative to Allergy Treatment: Sublingual Immunotherapy

After diagnosis of inhalant allergies via a scratch or blood test we offer sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).  SLIT treats the cause of allergy by giving small doses of the allergen to the patient.  SLIT is given as drops under the tongue.  Research shows that when an allergen is presented this way, the immune system learns to tolerate the allergy.  SLIT is proven, with over 60 clinical trials which shows its effectiveness.  It is endorsed by the World Health Organization, the World Allergy Association, and the Cochrane Collaboration.  SLIT is effective, safe, and well tolerated.

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